Sunday, January 9, 2011

Car seat test

So today Hayden took his car seat test and PASSED... Yippeeee. Now all that is left is eating from the bottle non-stop and for Kyle and I to take the CPR class. That scares me just saying the words. But we will get through it.
Yesterday we had his baby shower with the Bones, Collins, and friends and wow did he ever get spoiled. Thanks to everyone that came and supported us. I love all the gifts. Here is some pictures. The gifts cover my BIG couch.


  1. That is so exciting!! It is getting close now! Get prepared! Can't wait to meet the little cutie! Sorry I missed the shower yesterday- luv's n huggies! :-) Tammy

  2. Awe... He is getting so BIG! Boy is ever SPOILED! what a cutie pie! I'm so happy for you, you are such an awsome person you deserve every bit of happiness!
