Monday, April 2, 2012


April, Really? Where did the first 3 months go. The month of February was not one of the funnest months. Hayden had his first cold for two weeks and then he had double ear infections for another week and a half. He really tested his parents patients. I do not wish that on my worst enemy. Now if we can just keep him from getting anymore.
Between him being sick and the ear infection we went swimming with my (Camille's) family. Every Monday it's family night at the Provo rec center so we take advantage of it. He loved every minute of it. He splashed and splashed. He didn't care if it got in his eye, he would just laugh and do it again. No one wanted to be by us. Here is a few pictures from that night.

Mommy and Hayden

Mommy, Hayden, Tawnya, Shelby

Paul, Grandma Lottie, Hayden, Tawnya, & Shelby

He didn't care to much for the duck.
For a week in February I had a conference in Moab. And Kyle had to play Mrs mom. I had everything all lined out for him. Who had him what days. I even had a grocery list for him. I must say they both survived. But while I was at conference I faced one of my fears. With a little convincing I held a large snake. I have the pictures to prove it. I thought they were all slimy, found out there not. I was OK until they put it around my neck and it started to move and that was the end of it. But glad I did it.

One weekend Kyle and I found ourselves with a 3 day weekend and nothing planned. For those who know us, that doesn't happen very often. We always have plans. So we decided to run to his parents house so he could do some shed hunting. He decided to go just for a walk by his dad's house and came home with the BIGGEST smile on his face and all these in his hands.

If you have a blog would you email ( me an invite? It is easier to keep up with everyone in our busy lives.

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