Tuesday, December 28, 2010

First bottle...

So tonight my mom and I went up to visit Hayden and we were giving a surprise. We have been asking when he is going to start bottle feeding. They just kept telling us oh maybe next week we will just have to see.. Well tonight was the first time and I was able to feed it to him. He took it as if he had been doing it all along. He drank even more then what they have been feeding him in the tub all within 30 minutes.. Yeeaaa Hayden... He's such a stud. Here is a few pictures from tonight... My mom was taking them with the new camera they didn't turn out the greatest. Please don't hold it against her. lol Love ya mom.

Cross eyed.. This the only one we could get with his eyes opened. Every time we went to take it he would close them.

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