Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Eve Eve Visit

Today I needed to get a few more things for Christmas and wanted to see Hayden so I grabbed my neice Makaiah and off we went. The mall, CRAZY I know it's 2 days before Christmas what do I expect. But we found just what we went for and was right out.
Sorry I havn't updated this latly been busy. But as of last night we weighs 3 lbs 11 oz and is 16in long. He is breathing 100% on his own. No more tubs on the face, well other then the feeding one. While I was holding him he had a hard time breathin but once he suggled with his mom he was great and almost 100 %. We dimed the lights in the room and wow did he open his eyes. But couldn't leave them down to long. It was such a great visit. I just love that little man.

 Don't you just love the hat? It looks like a present on his head. lol
 I had to show off his hair. I just love it.

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